Are Somatic Experiencing Sessions for You?

I talk about the nervous system a lot. It has been getting more attention recently, but it’s not something that we are taught much about. Yet, it is working automatically for us all the time. Every single day. If you want a refresher, you can read a blog I wrote about the nervous system here.

A regulated nervous system supports physical as well as emotional health. I think we should all understand what a healthy nervous system feels like, and ways that our nervous system works as well as ways it can get stuck and create patterns that — while at one point in time might have been helpful — are not currently helpful. 

Somatic Experiencing (SE) helps us develop and maintain a healthy nervous system. I’ve just finished Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training, and an SE session could be for you if you have chronic fatigue, chronic pain, gastrointestinal issues, trouble sleeping, migraines, a history of trauma, anxiety, find it hard to relax, or want to feel more present and embodied in your life. 

SE is a body-based model of working with trauma and nervous system dysregulation in a way that allows any stuck energy to move out of the body. This stuck energy can show up in what we would call symptoms: chronic pain, chronic fatigue, anxiety, migraines, etc. can all be related to nervous system dysregulation, or dysregulation can make these symptoms worse. SE involves tracking sensations in the body and noticing yourself in a different way.

I’ve just learned touch work, which is done seated or on a massage table. This gentle touch work is not like a massage, but instead involves gently touching joints, diaphragms and other areas of the body while fully clothed. Offering the body this type of support helps to regulate the nervous system, supports moving stuck energy out of the body and can feel very relaxing. 

I can’t say enough good things about SE, so if you are interested, please reach out to schedule  a session. SE can be a great complement to Pilates and can support you physically and mentally.

How Often Should I do Pilates?

I get this question pretty frequently, and the answer can vary, but ultimately it comes down to you and what your goals are. Like with anything, the more you do Pilates, the more you will see results. The movements will feel more familiar, you will get stronger and have increased flexibility. For real change, you need to consistently practice.

Coming to Pilates once a week isn’t going to do a ton to getting you to those goals. Is once a week helpful? Yes. Will your body still change? Yes. Will you feel great during and after your sessions? Yes. But for real change, you need to consistently work on strength, flexibility, balance (or whatever your specific goal is). Coming to Pilates classes or private sessions three times a week isn’t in the budget for all of us, or it might not fit your schedule. But there are still many ways to do more Pilates at home to get you to your goals. Here are some tips to DIY:

  • Think about and incorporate what you learn in the studio to what you do in your other movements and tasks. I love that what we do in the studio can make big changes outside of the studio and in your “real life”

  • Get a specialized program created for you (either written down or a video) that you can practice consistently. This is an affordable cost, you get to have it forever, and we can adjust it when you are ready.

  • Take a virtual Pilates mat class or two in addition to your reformer session. These classes are offered at an accessible price point and you learn things you can do easily at home. If you can’t watch in real time, you can do the class whenever works for you (I still recommend planning on a regular time to fit it into your day so you can build the HABIT of working out consistently).

  • Find a reformer class. More affordable than a private session and a fantastic way to get stronger! Reach out for local suggestions.

Remember, it can take a while to build a new habit. It can be helpful to write down your goals and then break them down into smaller, bite-sized goals. Do you have specific questions about your goals and how to get there? Coaching can help if you need support around getting to your goals while balancing all the other things in life.

Should I Work Out if I'm not Feeling Well?

Rooted Wellness Pilates Charlottesville workout if I'm sick

Do you feel like you might be getting sick? Are you getting over a cold? Do you have a fever but want to push through for your workout? When should you rest and when is working out ok?

These are my personal thoughts on working out when you aren’t feeling your best and are not medical advice, but this is what I do and what I suggest when people ask me.

If you are feeling poorly, I think it is almost always the right choice to rest. When you are fighting off a cold, or when you are sick, your body needs rest and uses energy to ramp up your immune system to do what it does best. Resting will almost always help you feel better, quicker so you can return to all your favorite activities. If you have a fever and are feeling really bad, I don’t recommend doing anything physical. Lie on that couch, put your legs up, sleep, have someone make you warm soup and know that all of this will help you feel better soon (I know this may be impossible if you’re a parent with young kids but do what you can!).

If you’re on the tail end of sickness, or feel like you are fighting off something minor, you can add in gentle exercise. Walking is always great. Gentle stretching and gentle Pilates would be good options. The key here is truly listening to your body. Most likely you will do less than you normally would, but some movement will get your muscles moving, increase oxygenation and help you in feeling better.

Your body will benefit from rest and you’ll be able to return to your normal exercise and activities sooner. If you’re craving movement but still have a lot of symptoms of illness, a gentle virtual Pilates mat class or a virtual private session are good options to let you go slow, listen to your body and do less than you might normally.

Support your body in the job it is doing for your healing.

Snow and Illness Policies at Rooted Wellness

Snowflake Rooted Wellness & Pilates snow policy

It’s that time of year when weather can be questionable and illness is going around, so it’s a good time to share a reminder of our studio policies at Rooted Wellness & Pilates.

In the case of inclement weather and I feel it is unsafe for me to drive to the studio, I will cancel appointments. If you feel it is unsafe for you to drive to the studio, please let me know. You will not be charged for a late cancel, even if it is within 24 hours. If you would like to switch your in-studio session to a virtual session, that can be arranged.

If you are sick, please don’t come to the studio. I will happily reschedule or cancel your session without charge for sickness, and I always appreciate you not sharing any germs.

Any questions? Email me or text/call.