Movement heals. It allows us to feel at home in our bodies. What gift could be greater?

Hi. I’m Desiree Cafaro, owner of Rooted Wellness & Pilates, longtime Pilates instructor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. My love of movement began as a child. I was always running around outside, climbing trees, and riding horses. This love has continued throughout my life, and I can still be found moving much of the time on hikes, runs, and dog walks.

I discovered Pilates in my early 20s as I struggled with debilitating chronic back pain. It seems so simple to say that Pilates healed my back, but it truly did! After finding Pilates, I completed multiple marathons back pain free! When I went through health challenges with Lyme disease, mold illness, and chronic fatigue, Pilates was the gentle movement that supported my healing. During this time, I also learned about nutrition and how to support and nourish myself with food. Times of challenge are rich with opportunities for growth and self discovery. 

Recently, I've been learning about nervous system regulation and training to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. I am fascinated by how the nervous system is integral to our capacity to feel safe, heal traumas, and ride the waves of life with more resilience. This work is supportive of all humans, and I’m excited to integrate it into my Pilates work. 

I teach Pilates because I am committed to supporting collective wellness and love cultivating meaningful relationships with my clients. I appreciate how Pilates can challenge the athletic client as well as be adaptive and supportive of someone who needs a gentle workout.

I’m passionate about supporting your health journey and growth. I believe we all have the capacity to feel good in our bodies. I want to support you in feeling your best, being pain free, and living your life fully engaged; to live an embodied life.

My Training

I’ve been teaching Pilates since 2006. I am a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher (NCPT), certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). I’m committed to lifelong learning and have completed many continuing education courses to further my knowledge. 

My teaching philosophy is trauma informed and looks at the whole person and utilizes Pilates to help educate and re-educate functional movement patterns to help clients live a more enjoyable and embodied life. I work with clients of all ages and abilities. I have extensive experience working with injuries and back pain and incorporate the latest in pain science into my work.

I’ve completed dozens of continuing education courses, including most recently sessions focused on back pain and regulating the nervous system

Contact Desiree

I am glad you are here and ready to take the next step to a healthier life! Fill out the form below to send me an email or

I’m always happy to start a conversation no matter where you are in your journey. I look forward to learning about your unique needs and how I can help you find rooted wellness.