Give Yourself Permission to Pause

Relaxation. Resetting. Pausing. Do you give yourself permission to rest? Or do you push through?

Does it feel hard to rest and relax? Is it hard to let go?

We can let our busy brains and bodies settle down into a soft, comfortable chair, lie down or put our feet up in the middle of a productive work day. You don’t need to feel ashamed of the desire or need for rest. We’ve all heard the saying “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” and we’re all living in the hustle and bustle of a society that glorifies ”grinding” and asks us to save rest for our vacations.

Try to tune into and listen to your body's needs. When you feel the urge to rest, can you pause? Even if you can’t actually take a nap, can you close your eyes for a few minutes? Can you allow your body to settle into your chair? Can you allow a few deeper breaths to move into your body? Of course you can. It only requires a conscious moment to give yourself permission to pause.

As we transition to fall, you might notice your body needs more sleep and rest. See what is different for you if you give your body what it’s asking for.

If you could use some help learning how to give yourself permission to pause, somatic techniques can help. Let me know if you’d like to schedule a session focusing on somatic techniques to support relaxation. Sessions start at $50.