Finding Small Pleasures in Simple Moments

I was on my early morning walk along the Rivanna River with Winnie dog recently, and something caught my eye.

It looked like the water was moving in the wrong direction. A closer look showed me that a beaver was swimming upstream. He was swimming with ease, skimming through the water and looked to be enjoying his morning swim. I haven’t noticed a beaver on the river in a while, and it’s always nice to notice animal friends. Away he swam and then dove under to his dam. I noticed how much joy this simple moment brought me.

Tuning into these types of moments is really supportive for the parasympathetic nervous system, the branch of the nervous system that supports rest, digestion and rejuvenation. If you have a history of trauma, it can be especially hard to notice the good as your nervous system is even more primed to be alert for potential dangers and can be quick to activate into fight or flight. Connecting to these small, simple things can support your body in feeling glimmers of good and can be profound in teaching your nervous system how to have more capacity. The more we can stay present, the more we can increase our capacity. Being present with pleasure also helps us hold our pain more easily.

Because of how much I enjoy noticing these small moments, I’m really trying to notice more of them — the bright red cardinal against the gray tree branch, the way the sun shines on the floor of my Pilates studio, the softness of Winnie’s ears and the first sprouts of green of spring flowers.

Will you join me in this practice of noticing small feel-good moments?

I know life is doing its thing, and for many it seems to be particularly hard right now. This practice isn’t to pretend hard things aren’t happening or to try to make them better. This is a practice of tuning into small things that happen every day that bring you a sense of pleasure, support, joy or contentment.

If you try this I’d love to hear how it goes and how it supports you to feel more connected to your body and to your day.